The Father of Information Theory flagged the intensity of Artificial Intelligence decades back and we are seeing it now. We do not know yet the greater part of our regular undertakings are affected by Artificial Intelligence like Visa exchanges, utilizing GPS in our vehicles, individual help by different applications in our cell phones or online client service by chat bots, and who can disregard the shrewd autos of Google which are extremely near the real world. In any case, are we certain that in future, the advancements in Artificial Intelligence would not be the greatest risk to us? Today, this unpredictable programming which is Weak AI is reproducing the insight of people and is beating people in explicit undertakings. In future, with the advancement of Strong AI, about each errand of people will be boated by Artificial Intelligence.
The work and occupation which characterize our personality and way of life will be passed to robots. There is no uncertainty that AI has the probability to be smarter than us yet we cannot anticipate how it will carry on in the coming time. At present, no one right now whether Strong Artificial Intelligence will be valuable or unsafe to humankind. There is one gathering of specialists who accept that Strong AI or Super intelligence will help us in killing war, maladies and destitution. Then again, a few specialists accept that it tends to be criminally used to create independent weapons for slaughtering people. They are additionally worried about AI which all alone may build up some damaging strategies to accomplish the objectives. A few people recommend that Artificial Intelligence can be overseen like Nuclear weapons; however this examination in itself is not shrewd.
Atomic weapons require once in a while discovered crude materials like uranium and plutonium, though AI is essentially a product. At the point when the PCs will be sufficiently amazing, anyone realizing the methodology to compose the pertinent code could make Artificial Intelligence anyplace. The most noticeable people from the tech world, for example, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and the extraordinary researcher Stephen Hawkins have just communicated worries about the future change of Artificial Intelligence and read about Tej Kohli. They are not off-base in considering AI as the greatest existential danger since we are as of now reliant on brilliant frameworks and in future, this reliance will just increment. The way that we are now doing combating a quiet war for less spring up talk alarms is maybe an incipient sign of the war we may need to confront – not fatal but rather certainly irritating. An undeniable risk from these pseudo artificial knowledge controlled chat bots was seen as in a particular bot called Content Girlie.